Benvenuti su FMStreaming, il progetto audio di Fondazione Musei Senesi che interpreta i musei attraverso la voce e le opere degli artisti contemporanei toscani e dei professionisti.

Welcome to FMStreaming, the audio project of the Fondazione Musei Senesi which interprets museums through the voices and works of contemporary Tuscan artists and professionals.

Serena Fineschi è nata a Siena. Vive e lavora tra Siena e Bruxelles.
Si è formata all’Istituto Statale d’Arte “Duccio di Buoninsegna” di Siena, proseguendo gli
studi in progettazione grafica a Siena, Firenze, Milano e in Storia dell’arte
contemporanea presso l’Università degli Studi di Siena.
Nel suo lavoro, il corpo è la dimensione, la misura che lo determina, energia naturale e
creazione umana; nella sua estensione carnale, valica i processi e i meccanismi
tradizionali della performance. L’artista, da sempre sensibile alla ricerca e allo studio
della storia della pittura, la ribalta, riflette e ripropone con materiali desueti o di scarto,
tipici della nostra società di consumo. Ogni suo lavoro è una sorta di procedura
alchemica, dove la materia interagisce con il corpo dell’artista, quasi un invito a vivere
l’esperienza della carne, della mente e l’epoca in cui viviamo, in piena consapevolezza
della nostra evoluzione. Le trame formali del suo lavoro si distendono e comprimono di
continuo, producendo luoghi di transito che confidano nuove riflessioni ed esperienze
tangibili, intime e sociali.
Ha presentato il suo lavoro in numerose sedi pubbliche e private in Italia e all’estero tra
cui il MANA Contemporary a Jersey City (NJ, USA), il Musées Royaux de Beaux-Arts de
Belgique, Old Masters Museum, a Bruxelles, l’Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Bruxelles, il
Bozar , Centre for Fine Arts di Bruxelles, la collezione Frédéric de Goldschmidt, la
Fondation Thalie a Bruxelles, Officina asbl a Bruxelles, Belgio; il Museo di Arte Moderna
e Contemporanea Raffaele de Grada di San Gimignano, il Complesso Museale SMS Santa
Maria della Scala di Siena, il Centro d’Arte Contemporanea Palazzo delle Papesse a
Siena, le Corderie dell’Arsenale a Venezia (in occasione della Biennale di Architettura),
“Border Crossing” Biennale Manifesta 12 a Palermo, la BienNolo – Biennale di arte
contemporanea indipendente a Milano, Casa Masaccio Arte Contemporanea a San
Giovanni Valdarno, la Fondazione Palazzo Magnani, Palazzo da Mosto a Reggio Emilia,
l’Ospedaletto Contemporaneo, Complesso dell’Ospedaletto a Venezia, Palazzo Monti a
Brescia, in Italia.
Con Elena El Asmar, Marco Andrea Magni e Luca Pancrazzi è tra i fondatori di GRAND
HOTEL, un luogo in movimento che ospita, raccoglie, accoglie e colleziona forme di
passaggio provenienti dalle menti e dagli studi degli artisti che compie viaggi in spazi
istituzionali e indipendenti dal 2014. Nel 2016 ha ideato CAVEAU, una cassaforte
incassata tra le mura medioevali della città di Siena che ospita idee. Insieme ad
Alessandro Scarabello e Laura Viale ha creato MODO asbl, associazione culturale per la
promozione del contemporaneo fondata nel 2018, con sede a Bruxelles

Serena Fineschi
Serena Fineschi was born in Siena. She lives and works between Siena and Brussels.
She was trained at the State Institute of Art “Duccio di Buoninsegna” in Siena, continuing her studies in the
studies in graphic design in Siena, Florence, Milan and in Art History
contemporary at the University of Siena.
In his work, the body is the dimension, the measure that determines it, natural energy and
human creation; in its carnal extension, it goes through processes and mechanisms
traditional performance. The artist, who has always been sensitive to research and study
of the history of painting, the limelight, reflects and reproposes it with obsolete or waste materials,
typical of our consumer society. Each of his work is a sort of procedure
alchemical, where the matter interacts with the artist’s body, almost an invitation to live
the experience of the flesh, the mind and the age in which we live, in full awareness
of our evolution. The formal plots of his work stretch and compress of
continuous, producing places of transit that trust new reflections and experiences
tangible, intimate and social.
He has presented his work in numerous public and private offices in Italy and abroad between
which the MANA Contemporary in Jersey City (NJ, USA), the Musées Royaux de Beaux-Arts de
Belgique, Old Masters Museum, in Brussels, the Italian Cultural Institute of Brussels, the
Bozar , Centre for Fine Arts in Brussels, the Frédéric de Goldschmidt collection, the
Fondation Thalie in Brussels, Officina asbl in Brussels, Belgium; the Museum of Modern Art
e Contemporanea Raffaele de Grada di San Gimignano, the SMS Santa Museum Complex
Maria della Scala of Siena, the Center of Contemporary Art Palazzo delle Papesse at
Siena, the Corderie dell’Arsenale in Venice (on the occasion of the Biennale of Architecture),
“Border Crossing” Biennale Manifesta 12 in Palermo, the BienNolo – Art Biennale
independent contemporary art in Milan, Casa Masaccio Arte Contemporanea in San
Giovanni Valdarno, the Fondazione Palazzo Magnani, Palazzo da Mosto in Reggio Emilia,
l’Ospedaletto Contemporaneo, Complesso dell’Ospedaletto in Venice, Palazzo Monti a
Brescia, Italy.
With Elena El Asmar, Marco Andrea Magni and Luca Pancrazzi is among the founders of GRAND
HOTEL, a place in motion that hosts, collects, welcomes and collects forms of
passage from the minds and studios of artists who make journeys in spaces
institutional and independent from 2014. In 2016 he conceived CAVEAU, a safe
embedded within the medieval walls of the city of Siena that hosts ideas. Together with
Alessandro Scarabello and Laura Viale have created MODO asbl, cultural association for the
promotion of the contemporary founded in 2018, based in Bruxelles

Serena Fineschi was born in Siena in 1973. She lives and works in Siena and Brussels.
She attended the high school Istituto Statale d’Arte “Duccio di Buoninsegna” (Siena), and
then she studied graphic design in Siena, Florence, and Milan, and History of
Contemporary Art at the University of Siena.
In her practice, body is the dimension and the measure, being conceived as natural
energy and human creation. In its carnal extent, body goes across the traditional
processes and mechanisms of performance.
The artist has always been close to the research and study of the history of painting, and
she creatively uses and re
lects the act of painting, mixing it with old-fashioned or waste
materials that are typical of our consumer society.
Each one of her artworks is an alchemical process, where matter interacts with the body
of the artist. This process invites us to live the experience of the
lesh, the mind, and the
era in which we live, in full awareness of our evolution.
The formal threads of her work are constantly unwound and compressed, and in being
so they produce crossing places for new re
lections and intimate or social tangible
She exhibited in many public and private institutions, in Italy and abroad. In Belgium
she exhibited, among others, at MANA Contemporary in Jersey City (NJ, USA), Musées
Royaux de Beaux-Arts de Belgique, Old Masters Museum, in Brussels, Istituto Italiano di
Cultura in Bruxelles, Bozar, Centre for Fine Arts in Brussels, Frédéric de Goldschmidt
collection, Fondation Thalie in Brussels, Officina asbl in Brussels. In Italy she exhibited,among others, at Museo di Arte Moderna e Contemporanea Raffaele de Grada in San
Gimignano, Complesso museale SMS Santa Maria della Scala in Siena, Centro d’Arte
Contemporanea Palazzo delle Papesse in Siena, Corderie dell’Arsenale in Venice (during
the Venice Architecture Biennale), “Border Crossing” Biennale Manifesta 12 in Palermo,
BienNolo – Biennale di arte contemporanea indipendente in Milano, Casa Masaccio Arte
Contemporanea in San Giovanni Valdarno, Fondazione Palazzo Magnani, Palazzo da
Mosto in Reggio Emilia, Ospedaletto Contemporaneo, Complesso dell’Ospedaletto in
Venice, Palazzo Monti in Brescia.
She co-founded, alongside Elena El Asmar, Marco Andrea Magni, and Luca Pancrazzi,
GRAND HOTEL, an exhibition platform which, since 2014, is thought to welcome and
collect the studies and the transitional forms of the artists across institutional and
independent spaces.
In 2016 she devised CAVEAU, a safe embedded within the medieval walls of the city of
Siena that hosts ideas. In 2018, she created, alongside Alessandro Scarabello and Laura
Via, MODO asbl in Brussels, a cultural association that promotes contemporary art and